ATI AMD or Nvidia Geforce Best For Games ? Battlefield 3 Tests to see Difference

NVIDIA Geforce vs Ati Amd

Well this is good. So tests are : Ati 6850 vs nvidia 560 Ti

Game Test : Battlefield 3 

Low Settings at 1920x1200 resolution : Nvidia 85 FPS

Low Settings at 1920x1200 resolution : Ati Amd 56 FPS

Game Test : Battlefield 3 

Ultra Settings at 1920x1200 resolution : Nvidia 40 FPS

Ultra Settings at 1920x1200 resolution : Ati Amd 26 FPS

Is no need more reasons for results so nvidia is better and the price is the same

If in test instead of ati amd 6850 was 6950 the results for ati were better but not too much.

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Tags: what video card to buy see test, best for battlefield 3 video card nvidia ati amd, what to choose, help to decide which is better, ati 6950 or 560 ti , test in games video card, buy new video card to play battlefied 3 advice tips and tricks , best choice, find a test with


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