Take on Helicopters - Search for Whales Film Whales Guide

Take on Helicopters - Search for Whales Film Whales Guide

This mission is not too easy if you dont use map, so use M map and go to the locations for whales, first film is easy but second ..whales are not there..so Go to the bottom edge of the map and there you will find. But if you dont know who to do that we have a video tutorial created with map location here and finish the mission.


Mission : Film Whales - Try to locate and film two more groups of whales in Puget Sound

Whale sighting (may have moved)

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Tags: whales map location, how to find whales in take on helicopters video game simulator, where are on map, how to complete mission quest to film whales, helicopter position to film 100% whales, map used to track whales location tips and tricks


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